Hello everyone!
I don’t like the internet, so I’ve kept this Patreon a fairly low activity one. Unfortunately over the last year, this means it’s become more of a no-activity one. But that doesn’t mean nothing has been happening! So to celebrate the New Year, I bring you my first-annual yearly recap post!
I began the year focusing on my fine art. My preferred medium for fine art is Conte crayon on paper, and there are some fantastic pieces that are right here on Patron… They’re my last posts, in fact.
In the Spring of this year, I took some time off to focus on my mental health. I’ve been working nearly non-stop for the last six years or so, whether on my projects or at a wage job, and taking the time off to slow down and breathe has definitely kept the burnout at bay. I spent a lot of the summer working on concept art and notes for a very special project I’ve been working on: a graphic novel based on Lovecraft’s C’thulu Mythos and Betty Boop. It’s been quite the artistic journey, matching my pen-and-ink art style to the old cartoons of the 1930’s, but I think all my effort is definitely going to visually pay off. I’m about to start a special crowdfunding page just for this, so check back for updates!
If you’ve seen me in person, it was probably at an event for @RubixPube (https://www.facebook.com/rubixpubepa/). They certainly seem to like the posters I’ve been drawing for them, they’ve made one into both their profile pic and a t-shirt!
My website, panikbedlam.com, has been offline for a few months while I get myself back in order. The relaunch date is January 31, 2022.
I want to continue to thank you all for supporting me through this rough time. I’ll be making a valiant effort to keep everyone updated through to the future.
Happy New Year to everyone!
Rev. Panik EVlynn Bedlam